<\/span><\/h3>\n\n\n\nHere is a table that tells what all you can feed your bearded dragon.<\/p>\n\n\n\nInsects<\/strong><\/td>Fruits<\/strong><\/td>Veggis<\/strong><\/td>Leaves<\/strong><\/td><\/tr>Crickets<\/td> Figs<\/td> Peas<\/td> Spring greens<\/td><\/tr> Kingworms<\/td> Watermelon<\/td> Green beans<\/td> Floret mix<\/td><\/tr> Waxworms<\/td> Apples<\/td> Courgette<\/td> Lambs lettuce<\/td><\/tr> Earthworms<\/td> Mango<\/td> Butternut squash<\/td> Kale<\/td><\/tr> Cockroaches<\/td> Papaya<\/td> Sweet potato<\/td> Collards<\/td><\/tr> Locusts<\/td> Dates<\/td> Bell pepper<\/td> Parsley<\/td><\/tr> Butterworms<\/td> Peaches<\/td> Ocra<\/td> Clover<\/td><\/tr> Silkworms<\/td> Apricots<\/td> Broccoli<\/td> Dandelion greens<\/td><\/tr> Phoenix worms<\/td> Plums<\/td> Acorn squash<\/td> Turnip greens<\/td><\/tr> Dubai roaches<\/td> Kiwi<\/td> Cabbage<\/td> Mustard greens<\/td><\/tr> Morioworms<\/td> Pears<\/td> Kohlrabi<\/td> Endive<\/td><\/tr> Mealworms<\/td> Strawberries<\/td> Parsnip<\/td> Rocket<\/td><\/tr> Superworms<\/td> Raspberries<\/td> Pak choi<\/td> Coriander<\/td><\/tr> <\/td> Blueberries<\/td> Yellow squash<\/td> Watercress<\/td><\/tr> <\/td> Guava<\/td> Asparagus<\/td> Dandelion<\/td><\/tr> <\/td> Grapes<\/td> Okra<\/td> Catsear<\/td><\/tr> <\/td> Raisins<\/td> Swiss chad<\/td> Dead nettle<\/td><\/tr> <\/td> <\/td> <\/td> Plantain<\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table><\/figure>\n\n\n\nOne thing to note is that you should feed your bearded dragon from a bowl. That is so because most bearded dragon enclosures have sand in them to replicate their natural habitat.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
If you give them food on the sand, chances are there that they might eat a bit of sand too. Sand is indigestible and over a period of long time, the sand can accumulate in the body and cause the blood streams to get blocked.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
So, always feed your bearded dragon from a bowl.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
Coming back, there are so many alternatives that you can avoid carrots completely if you like. It is not only carrots that you should avoid though.<\/p>\n\n\n\n