How Long Do American Bullies Live

How Long Do American Bullies Live

How Long Do American Bullies Live Are you one of the American bully fanatics just like us? Well, anyone would be withstanding their super personality and their looks! Being a very famous breed, there are many misconceptions associated with it and especially its lifespan! But this article will clear all your doubts regarding how long … Read more

Dog Not Eating But Drinking Water

Dog Not Eating But Drinking Water

A dog not eating but drinking water could be experiencing various issues such as illness, stress, dental problems, or a change in environment. It’s essential to monitor the dog’s behavior closely and consult a veterinarian if the lack of appetite persists for more than 24 hours or if there are other concerning symptoms. Timely medical … Read more

Can Dog Eat A Mango Or Not?

can dog eat a mango or not

The question Can You Include Mango In Your Dog’s Diet? might put you in a confusing state since feeding a food product that is sweet or sugary is highly unfit and unsuitable for any breed of dog. However, in this case, Yes, you can feed your dog mango and it falls in the category of healthy … Read more

How To Deal With Dog Nails Separated [ Causes & Cures]

How To Deal With Dog Nails Separated

As a responsible pet parent, you are required to take the utmost care of your dog. That being said if you are in a situation where your dog’s nail separated from quick, it’s extremely pivotal for you to read through the valuable information coming your way. So, let’s start the healing journey! Nail Healing Journey … Read more

Can Dogs Eat Basil Or Not?

Can Dogs Eat Basil

Basil is considered safe for both cats and dogs, including its dried leaves and fresh ones. But, safety alone doesn’t qualify any food as excellent for these pets, especially when it’s about spices and herbs. Thus it is important to consider, whether is Basil Safe for dogs or Does Basil adds any nutritional value to your pet’s … Read more

Can Dogs Drink Sparkling Water Or Not?

Can Dogs Drink Sparkling Water

In general, yes, dogs can drink sparkling water but in very small amounts. Since 70% of your dog’s body is made up of water, are you worried about its need for appropriate hydration?  And thinking of giving some sparkling water to your dog? But can dogs drink sparkling water or is it safe for dogs … Read more

Things To Consider Before Adopting A German Shepherd

Things To Consider Before Adopting A German Shepherd

Before adopting a German Shepherd, there are several important things to consider. All puppies will need effort, attention, and lots of time. While there are breeds that could be considered lower maintenance, there is no such thing as a truly low-maintenance dog. Shelters are filled with animals previously owned by people who failed to take … Read more

Can You Potty Train A Duck

Potty training a duck is impossible. Usually, feces is controlled by sphincter muscles that the duck lack. This means that ducks will poop anywhere and whenever they like.

Potty training a duck is impossible. Usually, feces is controlled by sphincter muscles that the duck lack. This means that ducks will poop anywhere and whenever they like. Can You Potty Train A Duck Generally, dealing with the poop involves either keeping the duck in a cage or using duck diapers? Using duck feces as … Read more